Customer Support and Flexibility Gives U R Drive Peace Of Mind

U R Drive is Sydney’s premier rental company offering unparalleled access to prestige vehicles like no other company in Australia. They are a mobility provider which offers a range of services including vehicle subscriptions, short term leases and flexible renting.

U R Drive

Finding The Right Fit For A
Growing Business

As the business expanded during COVID-19 and reached clients from different industries, the Director, Tom Grove, knew he

 needed a flexible system that would give him peace of mind trusting these luxury vehicles with new clients.

U R Drive’s fleet is often rotating old vehicles out and new ones in, so they knew they’d need a solution that could be as interchangeable as the vehicles. Locate2u offered tracking units that could be easily removed and reinstalled on vehicles so they could always be on the vehicles that mattered.

Finally, and most importantly, U R Drive needed a system that could grow quickly. A solution where they could get more units when they needed without waiting on back orders or logjams.

Tom believes Locate2u fits all these needs and says the main reason why they are so important to the business:

“As my business expands, I need that extra peace of mind and protection for new clients, without missing opportunities for my business to grow.”

Improving Safety For Their Customers

U R Drive was also impressed by the safety Locate2U provided their customers.

Now that U R Drive tracks their vehicles, they have a much better understanding of how clients are driving them. This allows U R Drive to ensure vehicles are serviced accurately for how they’ve been driven, which gives the next customer to use that car the confidence that they are receiving a vehicle in it’s safest and best possible condition.

Tracking their vehicles with Locate2u also assures U R Drive that their vehicles won’t be stolen from the client.

All of this means U R Drive customers have a better experience, knowing their driving a safe vehicle and that the vehicle will be safe from an attempted theft. As a result of their fleet running more safely, U R Drive received a reduction in their insurance premiums.


Eye Opening Customer

One of the first things the team at U R Drive was impressed by after joining Locate2u was the customer support.

There actually was customer support! And they listened!

When Tom had an issue with the platform, the support team was only an email or a call or a message away, and they replied quickly. The support team helped U R Drive with any issues and happily took on feedback.

As a result of this customer feedback from U R Drive, Locate2u created new features and updated old ones to make the platform more user friendly, not just for U R Drive but for all customers.

“It was eye opening that Locate2u was open to suggestions that would benefit the wider audience.” – Tom Grove, Director

Having their feedback be not only heard, but to actually receive a response and then see changes get made solidified for Tom that they had made the right choice.

Customer Support &
Flexibility Are The Keys

Locate2u’s customer support and flexibility are key reasons why U R Drive are such happy customers. U R Drive is confident knowing their vehicles are safe, and knowing that if they encounter an issue they can receive the required help quickly.

Tom Grove sees the advantages and scalability of Locate2u, saying:

“Locate2u can easily work for a company with up to 100 vehicles, it can also work for fleet’s with over 100 vehicles. The benefit is the extreme flexibility Locate2u offers.”


Any questions?
Feel free to call us.



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Husk Bakery

Husk Bakery van uses Locate2u for Live Location Sharing

Husk Bakery has been using Locate2u for the past few months to assist with sharing the mobile bakers real time location to their customers across Canberra. Each day when their mobile bakery is on the road they share their live location on their Facebook page using the Locate2u tracking link. Customers are then able to track the vans location and route, to see where they are or where they’re heading.

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